

Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Triangle

In the 2019-2020 school year, DOC NC raised funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle (BBBST). Our goal was to raise $10,000. We raised over $12,000!

BBBST ignites the potential within every child and advocates for them to explore the endless possibilities of what they can accomplish. There are an estimated 342,069 children living at or below the federal poverty level in Wake, Durham, and Orange Counties. For more than 20 years, BBBST has been Eastern North Carolina’s premier mentoring organization, defending the potential of future leaders in the community by matching at-risk youth (Littles) with committed adult mentors (Bigs).

These relationships – strategically matched based on Littles’ needs and Bigs’ backgrounds and skills, as well as common interests, aspirations, and personalities – empower Littles to achieve success in life and become productive members of the community.

Note in the Pocket

Note in the Pocket provides clothing to impoverished and homeless schoolchildren in Wake County with dignity and love. Note in the Pocket believes that it is unacceptable that children are limited in their educational and social development because they do not have appropriate clothes for school.

DOC NC decided to host a 100 coat drive to provide clothing to students and their families for the cold winter months. We successfully collected more than 160 coats!



September 2019

Walmart Event


Volunteers were stationed outside of a local Walmart in two shifts to raise money. We sold books, silverware, jewelry, games, and more. We received generous donations from many people.

October 2019

Cary Diwali


Diwali is the Festival of Lights, an Indian festival that falls in the month of October and brings together people of not just the Hindu faith but of all faiths to celebrate the simple idea that good always triumphs over evil. Our volunteers use this time to sell glow sticks and other items, do face painting and henna tattoos, and hold raffle contests to raise money for our charity. The event will be held on October 12.

November 2019

Be Your Own Leader Month


Our volunteers took the initiative by creatively making ideas to raise money.


Coat Drive


Our volunteers exceeded their goal of 100 coats and collected 160+ pieces of clothing for Note in The Pocket! The organization was thrilled and expressed appreciation for our hard work.

February 2019



Our volunteers dedicated their time on Saturday night to take care of children while their parents attended the NCIAP Gala. We had a lot of fun and engaged children in various activities such as games, making valentine cards, reading, drawing, and more! We received a generous donation of $300 for our hard work.


Senior Citizens Event


DOCNC held it’s annual charity show for the senior citizens in our community on Febuary 8th. The afternoon was filled with socializing, fun performances, games, and food! Our volunteers and performers put in hours of practicing and planning to make the show a success. Ultimately, we all walked away with new friends and were filled with joy to have put a smile on others’ faces.

April 2019

Making Masks to Help the Community


Due to the coronavirus outbreak our volunteers making masks to help store workers, health care, and other people that are risking their lives to help other people. 

Click here for more information on this event.


The Positivity Project


During the COVID-19 pandemic, DOC NC wanted to support the community by spreading positivity, while also staying at home to prevent the spread of the virus. We wanted to reconnect people and remind everyone what they are grateful for. To these ends, we started an Instagram campaign. Every day we posted a prompt image and encouraged people to post and comment in response. This encouraged positive thinking throughout DOC NC and the community.

Online Seminar Sessions


A new fun, and interactive way to learn came to DOC NC in the form of seminar sessions in April 2020. Because most students did not have school, many senior DOC NC members supplemented their learning by giving short sessions to teach younger members.

Starting Monday, April 20th, 2020 DOC NC had daily 30 minute sessions during which an experienced member spoke on a topic or skill they have mastered in order to teach other group members. These sessions took place daily from 4:00pm-4:30pm.

Click here to view recordings of these lessons.


May 2020

Online Chess Lessons With Anika and Amber


Anika and Amber, two dedicated DOC NC members, used their chess skills to teach members of the community about this game! They held 30-minute classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4pm-4:30pm. It allowed many DOC NC members to learn more about this game and simultaneously stay connected!