Posted By Sonia Birla
March 1st, 2020
March 3, 2020 |
Thank you to everyone that joined us at the last DOCNC meeting. Here’s what we covered:
February Recap:
- Senior Show:
- We received lots of thank you emails from the seniors!
- Raised $2,272
- New Grand Total: $13,064
Upcoming Events:
- March:
- Be Your Own Leader Month: door to door with flyers, baking, decorating calculators, etc.
- April:
- April 18th: Musical Show with 4D Entertainment Group
- Need volunteers for backstage help, seating directions, face painting etc.
- April 25th: Spring Daze Festival
- Need four very good face painters!
- May:
- Sign up geniuses will be sent out for events closer to dates
Trivia by Aayush, Rohan, and Shreyank
Game: Off the Cuff
- Members picked two apples to apples cards and had to speak on the topics for thirty second
- People learned how to use their on the spot thinking skills and practice public speaking
Laughter Club: Aayush, Agam, and Apar
Suggestion Box: It’s always open!
- Leadership teams should split members at events into teams with preassigned roles
- DOC NC organized shows should have more student performers
- Shows should have concrete itineraries so performers know what is going on in advance
- Less volunteers at the NCIAP Gala
- More Walmart events
- Better food management at events
- DOC NC Song!
- Planning to film at the next meeting
- Music coordinator: Alana
April Meeting: April 5th, Location: TBD (potentially the park for filming music video)
DOC NC Social Media: Follow us!
- Instagram: @doc_nc
- Facebook: @DOCofNC
- Website:
- Remind: text @docofnc to 81010
Huge thanks to Shishira for writing our minutes every month!
Sonia Birla
Co-President of DOC NC
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