Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone that attended the DOC NC meeting yesterday. We had a great time!
If you could not make it, here’s what you missed:
New Members:
Nobody right now, but members should always try to get friends to join!
September Recap:
DOC Talks: Mask Use and Individuality in America, lead by Sonia
Upcoming Events
Weekend Workshops: October and November
Two workshops per weekend lead by members
Required one dollar donation
One older audience workshop and one younger audience workshop per weekend
October 31st: Halloween Special Event
Kids dress up and come to the google meet
Activities like Halloween trivia, showing off costumes, virtual haunted house, and scary stories
2 dollar minimum donation
Led by Sarayu and Mackenzie
If you are a workshop leader:
Send your slides or lesson plans to Sonia at least a week before your class
Also send materials needed (keep it simple!)
Take control during class and try to make it interactive, planning is key to reduce boredom for attendees
Explain what DOC NC is prior to the start of the class and explain what we are raising money for
Send a thank-you email after the class
Looking for ideas? Contact Sonia!
December: Virtual Senior Show
Members will record themselves and we will have a moderator screen sharing all of our videos
10th-anniversary specials with prior donors explain how we have helped them
Marketing Team Updates:
We now have a 2020 DOC NC flyer
Adding weekend workshops to the website
Communications Team:
also worked on flyer content
Team Building Activity lead my Somya
Guess that Logo
Guest Speaker: NC Green Power, Katie Lebrato (Marketing Communication Director)
Spoke about reducing carbon footprint, renewable energy, and where our donations will go
Each 4 dollars will go towards teaching 60 students
Next Meeting: November 1st!
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