On April 16th, 2024, the DOC NC team once again took advantage of a local community event to give back: this time to the American Heart Association (AHA). The team, in the previous weeks, had collected boxes of juice, Capri Suns, bottles of water, many cans of soda, delicious mango lassi, and chai. Each drink was 2 dollars apiece and were very popular on that hot, sunny day. On the day of the event, the team set up a tent, all of the drinks, tables, chairs, and the poster boards, a large sign associating the alluring tent with the esteemed organization of DOC NC, and a large check stating that all funds raised by the tent would go to the American Heart Association and help fund research and treatment. The mango lassi was especially in high demand, with people constantly flocking to the team’s tent to experience a small taste of the cooling magic that is Mango Lassi. As the day and its celebrations drew on, hundreds of sales allowed the team to raise six hundred dollars for the AHA! This fundraiser gave back to the community, while helping refresh the community in the Holi event.